
Olá! Você sabe que sua produção cientifica será questionada quando for entrevistado para seu programa de residência. Se por acaso você estiver se perguntando sobre quais assuntos você poderia escrever/publicar, nossa equipe pesquisou e descobriu que estes são os tópicos mais recorrentes no meio académico:


Research Type
Addictions, affective disorders, Alzheimer’s, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, brain injury, brain stimulation, child and adolescent, eating disorders, geriatric psychiatry,  Huntington’s, neurobiology, parkinson’s and memory disorders research
Allergy and asthma research
ALS research
Anesthesiology research
Arrhythmia , cardiomyopathy, heart failure, preventative cardiology and vascular topics research
Biomechanics research, gait and mobility disorders, swallowing dysfunction research
Brain tumor, MS, pediatric neurosurgery and transverse myelitis research.
Caffeine addiction research
Cochlear implant technology research
Craniofacial disorders research
Diabetes research
Diabetes and Cholesterol Metabolism Center
General clinical research information
GI, livers and pancreas diseases research
Mass spectrometers research
Neurovascular and Spine Interventions and Anatomy
OACIS: A multidisciplinary clinical research group focused on understanding and improving patient outcomes after critical illness and surgery
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder research
Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) research
Ophthalmology topics research
Pain and pain relief research
Pediatrics research
Pemphigus research
Radiology topics research
Urological topics research

Cancer Research

Cancer Biology, Cancer Immunology, Viral Oncology, Cancer Prevention and Control, Chemical Therapeutics, Cancer Imaging research topics
Cystic Fibrosis Research
Head and neck cancer topics
Lymphoma research
Gynecological cancer research

Genetics Research

CFF Genotyping Center for Cystic Fibrosis
Immunogenetics and Disease research
Sequencing and genotyping services for gene discovery
Schizophrenia and bipolar genetics research

Genome Biology

Research into different types of cell engineering



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Escolha seu curso!